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Ariel Shumaker Therapy & Photography
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Ariel Shumaker is a therapist and photographer.

As a therapist, Ariel specializes in couples counseling, including uncoupling/separation, and reproductive health, including fertility, trauma, and perinatal mood and anxiety disorders. Ariel also loves working with people experiencing life transitions, and folks working in the helping professions, including activist fatigue.

In her photography, she specializes in small business photography, including natural looking headshots, and an inclusive lifestyle and family documentary style. Her work includes maternity, newborn, couples/engagement and family photography. She loves photographing others in the helping profession, including other therapists. On very special occasions, if the fit feels right, she will photograph weddings and births. Her photography is her creative passion, and helps balance out the other pieces of her life.

Ariel strives daily to work through an anti-racist/anti-carceral lens, and is constantly learning and shifting in the way that she views mental health, healing, and systems in general.


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