At Asheville Orthopedic Acupuncture, we offer more than pain relief—we provide a tranquil space designed for healing. As regional specialists in chronic, acute, and complex pain syndromes, our spa-like clinic combines advanced Orthopedic and Japanese Acupuncture with therapeutic massage, dry needling, trigger point therapy, and herbal remedies for natural pain management and relief.
Our gentle approach helps alleviate migraines, sciatica, plantar fasciitis, neck and back pain, knee pain, kidney support, and more. We’re also here to support our community through the challenges following Hurricane Helene, addressing anxiety, insomnia, grief, and trauma recovery.
As a local family-owned practice, we’ve proudly served Asheville and WNC since 2011, helping you live pain-free with compassionate, expert care.
You don’t have to live with pain. Call us today for a consultation at 828-333-5087.
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