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Small Business Everyday!

Small Business Saturday? Small Business Every Day!

While Small Business Saturday is a catchy designation for the day after Black Friday, if you ask folks in Asheville, our motto is “Small Business Every Day!” Asheville’s unique and vibrant culture is like a quilt patchworked with the myriad of locally owned independent businesses and our city values their contribution to our community.

  1. Locally owned, independent businesses return on average 3 times more money back into our community than chains.
  2. Local businesses that operate independently of a national headquarters employ more people per dollar of revenue and expand opportunities for local entrepreneurs by using local professional services.
  3. They consume less land, locate closer to residents and respect our environment, our air, our water and our resources.
  4. These local businesses also donate more than twice as much per sales dollar to local non-profits, benefits, teams and children’s activities than the chains and multinational businesses.
  5. Local entrepreneurs seek to fill industry gaps. They cater directly to the needs of the local community and help shape our beautifully unique city.

Throughout the holidays, give a present back to our community by choosing to go local with the purchases you make.